“Mr L.” part of the “best of 2018”. Proud ;)

“Mr L.” (V2.2 – Different edit)

After my series “Mr C.”, “Mr L.”  is also “Best of 2018” of The Eye of Photography aka L’Oeil de la Photographie!
Such an amazing photographic website. Thank you so much Jean-Jacques Naudet for your eternal faith and input!
I am currently working on a “Mr B.” in Bali, Indonesia.
Capture d’écran 2019-02-16 à 00.38.33View here on The Eye of Photography
View the entire series and more on my Instagram




Bruno Rosier & L’Absente (Jessica Forde)


Bruno Rosier & Galerie Lumière des Roses / Jusqu’au 22 novembre 2014
La Guillotine 24 rue Robespierre 93100 Montreuil

“Un album de photo d’amateur très romanesque – A voir absolument ! “

“Les instantanés amoureux de Jean” – LES ECHOS
“Une émouvante exploration de la capitale dépeuplée” – A NOUS PARIS
“L’album romantique d’un amour fou !” – BEAUX ARTS MAGAZINE

Online version (Flip the pages!) / Version en ligne (Tourner les pages!)

The Andko Project

The-Andko-projectThe Andko Project. A fiction. It’s the story of Andko a traveler who is also a salesman, but not only a salesman. Jessica Forde, Reno Isaac & Bruno Rosier unite around photography, music, plastic arts.
The Andko Project. Une fiction.
Tout tourne autour d’une histoire, celle d’ Andko, un voyageur aux activités a priori commerciales, quoique incertaines.
Jessica Forde, Reno Isaac & Bruno Rosier se réunissent autour d’un travail photographique, musical et d’art plastiques.

Great news !

Last December, two of my series were part of Philippe Garner’s selection for the weekend portfolios of La Lettre de la Photographie.com
Degrees of Separation“, and two weeks later, “East Teens Slovenia – The lake“,

“Five weekends. Five opportunities in one month to see something of what is happening with photography in every corner of the globe and to select portfolios that catch my eye and imagination. And no need for words to justify my choices. The pictures must and do speak for themselves. I hope that in their variety and for their integrity they are enjoyed by La Lettre’s commited international audience. Happy New Year.” (P.G.)

Philippe Garner is the International Head of Photography Department at Christie’s.
“La Lettre de la Photographie.com
has won Life.com‘s 2011 Best Photo Blog Award.